Welcome to Overseas Chinese Association for Institutional Research (OCAIR)

 OCAIR was founded at the 36th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in May 1996 and became an affiliate of AIR in October 1998. This group intends to provide a forum for its members to freely exchange ideas and information, to share professional experience, and to network. Although this group exists primarily on the Internet, we also meet once a year during the annual AIR Forum.

Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.


This area of our Organizational Site addresses details about our Bi-Laws, governing board and, as a matter of law, this board constitutes “the organization.”

The OCAIR governing board  is accountable for all acts undertaken in the name of this organization, whether or not those acts are formally approved or implemented by the board itself. This accountability exists regardless of the size or nature of this organization and regardless of whether the organization employs staff, and members of nonprofit governing boards. OCAIR posts publicly certain documents to better share the Organization’s  mission, vision, and core values.

Membership login is required for articles such meeting minutes and Steering Committee meeting transcripts. For more detail on the governance of OCAIR.org we publicly provide our Bi-Laws and other documents.

By Laws

Although it might not be the document most commonly on the minds of organization members, officers or staff, bylaws form the backbone of governance for nonprofit organizations and, therefore, are a very important document. When nonprofits need to consult their bylaws, such as when a membership dispute, concern about director, meeting notice, or voting issue arises, this important document provides the ethical and legal framework for the procedural workings and structure of the organization.   OCAIR’s ByLaws are provided here to comply with state law, and in the spirit of transparency, provided for all members and potential registrants to examine.

Why Joining OCAIR

The Overseas Chinese Association of Institutional Research (OCAIR) offers its members career advancement opportunities through professional development events, access to a diverse network of higher education professionals, support for data-informed decision-making, and international exposure. Joining OCAIR provides a unique opportunity for members to enhance their careers and make a positive impact in higher education.